List of products by brand JO MALONE LONDON

Country: United Kingdom
Main activity: Fragrances
Brand website: link
Parent company: Estee Lauder

Jo Malone is a UK-based fragrance designer who got her start in the fragrance industry as a florist. Her lifelong fondness for all things fragrant began as a child, when she tried to produce her own fragrances using flowers from the family garden and grated soap.

Working as a florist by day and a beautician who did facials by night, her business took off when the Nutmeg and Ginger bath oil she produced as a thank-you gift for clients led to requests for re-orders. In 1994, Jo Malone opened her first boutique in London, offering fragrances, skin care, and home scents. A flagship boutique on London's famed Sloane Street was opened in 1999. 

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