List of products by brand CERRUTI

Country: Italy
Main activity: Fashion
Brand website: link
Parent company: Designer Parfums

Cerruti is an Italian fashion house whose roots are in the textiles industry. In 1881, brothers Stefano, Antonio and Quintino Cerruti opened Lanificio Fratelli Cerruti, a textile mill specializing in wool, in the small town of Biella. The business is passed down to Antonio's son, Silvio, but his untimely death in 1950 results in the business being run by his son, Nino Cerruti, then just 20 years old. Nino introduces modern techniques to the mill, and the results are successful enough that the operation is expanded to two additional factories.

Nino's interest moves from textiles to fashion design, and his first men's collection, titled "Hitman," is introduced in 1957.

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